“Jesus is the humble King”
Old Testament allusions in Mark 11:1-11
- The kingly procession (1 Kings 1:32-48; 2 Kings 9:1-13)
- Messianic prophecies (Zechariah 9:9; Psalm 118, especially vs. 25-27; Malachi 3:1)
- “Hosanna” = “O save!” or, “Save now!”
Jesus is the humble King
- Philippians 2:3-11
- Isaiah 52:13-53:12
- Jonathan Edwards: “In Jesus we find infinite majesty yet complete humility…"
Jesus is the humble King
- Types of inadequate faith:
- Self-centered faith (eg. Mark 10:37). “What in it for me?”
- Fickle faith (eg. Mark 14:50). “This should make my life easier.”
- Partial faith (eg. Mark 10:17-23). “I give Jesus control only in certain areas of my life.”
- Mark 8:35 - the invitation to discipleship is about all of life
Questions to ponder: What is your reaction to Jesus’ humility? How can you develop humility in your life this week? Is there any area of your life that needs to be surrendered to the Kingship of Jesus?