We want to help you follow Jesus in your everyday life.

If you want to find out more about our discipleship pathway or to help you discern which stage you are in, you can see our Discipleship Pathway Series

Here is how you can take your next step at Ross Road:


Each Sunday we gather to connect, celebrate what God has done and glorify him. Since there is no formation without repetition, it is important to commit to coming to church regularly. Here is some more information on how to do that. 


Life Groups seek to help you connect, feel loved, and follow Jesus in your everyday life. They meet during the week in groups of 6-14 people and are a primary way in which we live out our faith. Find out how to join a Life Group today.


Young or old, male or female. We want to help you get connected. Sometimes that is easiest with people who are similar to us in age or gender. To see these and get connected, check out our ministries page here. 


As followers of Jesus, we are called to be part of a community of people to advance God’s Kingdom of love and peace. Baptism is a symbol that we are saved from our sins and into God’s family of believers. To take either step, check out our baptism and membership pages here. 


The Bible is God’s revelation of himself and his redemption story. Therefore, learning to read the Bible is an important step in our spiritual journey. We have a series of booklets called Discover the Word, to help you do that. Find out more here.


Life is hard and no matter how long you have lived, you will face challenges. Mentors are people who walk beside you and point you to Jesus in whatever season of life you are in. If you are interested in a mentoring relationship, talk with Bobby to help you get connected with someone. 


Prayer is simply the medium through which we communicate and commune with God. Since prayer is something we do, the best way to grow in it is to do it. We have prayer initiatives throughout the year, stay tuned to events to find these. Also, we have a weekly prayer meeting on Thursdays at 1 on Zoom. If you want to know more about this, contact Bobby. 


While God is sovereign, he invites us to partner with him in bringing his kingdom of love, joy, and peace to the world. God has given you spiritual gifts to help make that happen. We invite you to join us in helping people find and follow Jesus by serving in one of our ministries


Gather with us for an evening of worship and encounter with God. Stay tuned to our events page to find our next Altar Worship Experience


If you are a follower of Jesus who wants to grow in your faith and help others do the same, you have what it takes to start a group! You can play a part in helping people connect, grow spiritually, and impact the world. Contact Bobby to find out more and what your next step would be. 


Mentors don’t have it all figured out but they allow God to use them to point others to God. They listen well, ask questions, and share personal opinions to invite people to respond to how the Holy Spirit is working in their lives. To become a mentor, contact Bobby. 


Elders are the Christ-given, Spirit-appointed, communally recognized, and spiritually qualified leaders who serve the church by caring for God's flock, teaching God’s people and governing God's household – the Church. If you are interested in becoming an elder. Contact Craig here.