“The resurrection of Jesus is the greatest reset in history”
The importance of the resurrection: 1 Corinthians 15:14-19
The many facets of the resurrection:
- Christus Victor
- Redemption
- New Covenant Sacrifice
- Gift Righteousness
- Justification
- Propitiation
- Expiation
- Christus Exemplar
Mark 16:1-8
- The alternate ending of Mark
- The short ending of Mark
- The identity of Jesus
- The call to discipleship
The Greatest Reset
- Marissa’s story
- The power of God that raised Christ from the dead is available to you (Ephesians 1:19-21; Romans 8:11)
- The path to God’s strength is through weakness
- Romans 5:8
If you have never accepted Jesus’ power and forgiveness, would you do so today? Pray a simple prayer to God: “God, I admit my need for you. I admit my sin and my need for forgiveness. Thank you for dying on the cross and rising again. I accept what you’ve done for me and want you to be the King of my life. Amen.”