
Hebrews 5:11-6:12

Genuine faith grows


5:11-6:3: Confrontation


6:4-8: Warning


6:9-12: Assurance


To consider:  If you compare your faith now with your faith one year ago how has it changed?  If you feel like you’re not moving forward what could you do differently to move towards growth?


LEADING THIS WEEK: Dave & Courteney Rodda

Here are the songs that were used in this service For more videos of our worship music, go to our worship page: WORSHIP MUSIC

Christ be All Around Me
David Leonard, Jack Mooring, Leeland Mooring, and Leslie Jordan
CCLI: 7016414
God is For Us
James Ferguson, James Tealy, Jonny Robinson, Rich Thompson, Tiarne Kleyn, Michael Farren, and Jesse Reeves
CCLI: 7121853
Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble
Martin Smith
CCLI: 1097028

Why Give?

When we give, we're supporting His work. It is an act of worship for His generosity and all that He has given to us.

If you're visiting us, please do not feel obligated to give. We mainly rely on the support of those who call Ross Road Community Church their home.