“Don’t Be a Fool”
Luke 12:13-34
“Fools fix their eyes on the temporary; wise people live in light of the generosity of God’s Kingdom.”
Luke 12:1-12
- Verses 4-7: Wise people__________________________________.
Luke 12:13-21
- Verse 15: Wise people____________________________________.
- Verses 16-21: Fools take________________________________; wise people__________________________.
Luke 12:22-34
- Verses 22-28: Fools fix their eyes_______________________; wise people live_______________.
- Fools allow themselves to be__________________________; wise people trust______________.
- Verses 29-31: Fools pursue________________; wise people pursue_____________.
Questions to consider: Are you foolish or wise in the way you handle your money? Are you foolish or wise in how you pursue the Kingdom? What priorities need to shift in your life and how will you do that?