
1 Corinthians 5:1-5
Sexuality and Accountability


A church is a community of believers together walking with God for his glory and their benefit.



1. A godly church is adversely affected when God’s precious and powerful gift of sex is misused. v.1


o Sex is a precious and powerful gift of God.

Genesis 1:27-28, 31; 2:24-25; Proverbs 5:15-19


o The gift of sex can be misused.


2. A godly church mourns over sin because it damages people individually and churches corporately. v.2


3. A godly church holds its members accountable. v.2-3


4. A godly church seeks to restore the fallen. v.4-5

Galatians 6:1; Matthew 18:15-17


Points to Ponder and Discuss:

·Do I have the humility to receive “carefronting” from another believer about my attitudes, words, and actions?

·Do I have the love and courage to come alongside others to help them walk with God, even if it includes “carefronting” them in some way?