Ross Road Community Church exists because God has a purpose for us.
Reflect and write down what resonated with you in this video. Whether you have comments, questions, or something that moved you.
We are thankful that God is gracious and has helped us along the way.
Watch this video to learn about the origins of our church.
Make sure to write down 3 questions, comments, or things you heard during this video.
Here are some intros to our pastoral staff and how you can get connected with what they are doing.
Watch this video to find out more about what is currently happening at Ross Road, and the people who work to make that happen.
Click HERE to find out more about the various ministries we have here at Ross Road.
We want to help you be a part of a welcoming, Christ-centered community at Ross Road.
We invite you to take your next step by joining a care group, joining a ministry team, or becoming a member. Watch this video to see what that could mean for you.
What areas are you interested in getting more information about at Ross Road? Fill out this form so we can help you.