“God is in control; you’re not.”
Daniel 4:1-3: Introduction
Daniel 4:4-27: The dream and its interpretation
Daniel 4:28-33: The fulfillment of the dream
- Boanthropy: the psychology condition in which one believes he or she is a cow or an ox
Daniel 4:34-37: Conclusion
Theme 1: God sovereignly gives power and authority to those He wishes
- Romans 13:1-7
- The tension: God is sovereignly in control of those who are in control, and, some rulers are evil and corrupt.
Theme 2: Pride goes before a fall
- Diagnosing pride: Am I quick to admit when I don’t know something? Do I compare myself to other people often? Do I think that I’m indispensable? Do I find myself thinking poorly/critically of other people often? Do I excuse myself for things that I hold against others?
- Embrace humility. Proverbs 27:2; Luke 14:11; 1 Peter 5:5-6
Questions for discussion: How is pride demonstrated in King Nebuchadnezzar’s life? How has pride been on display in your life? What does it look like to embrace humility? How does Jesus’ humility give us a model for our own humility?