When we keep our eyes on Jesus we find the faith to persevere.
What do you worship?
- Daniel 3
- “Worship” appears 11 times
- “Serve” appears 5 times
- “Set up” appears 9 times
- The takeaway: The idol is contrived by human hands.
- We need spiritual sight to identify idols in our lives.
- We can dismantle idols when we see them for the farce that they are. Psalm 135:15-18
- ACTION: Spend 15 minutes alone with God asking Him to reveal idols in your life.
Faith under pressure
- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego faced pressure from authority, pressure from conformity, pressure from intimidation, and pressure from possible consequences.
- God doesn’t always save us FROM challenges and suffering. Hebrews 11:25-40.
- Our focus is on Jesus, not on our own security and freedom.
- Faith allows for circumstantial uncertainty while being certain about God’s revealed will.
- ACTION: Spend 15 minutes alone with God worshipping Him for who He is.
Questions: How hard or easy is it for you these days to avoid distraction and keep your eyes on Jesus? Why is it so hard for us to identify idols in our lives, or, why is it so easy for us to justify the continued presence of an idol in our life once we’ve identified it? What idols are operating in your life and how can keeping your focus on God help you dethrone it?