What does evangelism look like in a world where the church and Bible seem irrelevant to many?
Do you struggle to share the gospel with friends, coworkers, or neighbours? Maybe you feel guilty about not being able to share the good news, or you lack confidence in knowing what to say.
In the last 50 years, the world has changed drastically. While the truth of the gospel remains eternal, the way it is shared needs to be flexible—tailored to the culture and the individual. Traditional 4-step sales pitches worked when people had a healthy respect for the Bible and God, but in today’s world, non-Christians often don’t have that same foundation.
Join us for an Evangelism Workshop led by Dr. Bill Hogg, an evangelist with decades of experience navigating a changing culture. Dr. Hogg serves as the National Director for Message Canada Trust Foundation and is an accomplished author, pastor, professor, and evangelist. He was involved in pioneer evangelism in his native Scotland and played a key role in developing Youth for Christ. Bill dreams of seeing a new generation of Canadian evangelists rise up and spread the gospel in impactful ways.
In this workshop, you'll:
• Debunk common myths about evangelism
• Learn how to plant seeds of the gospel in ways that resonate with your unique relationships, personality, and context
• Gain practical tools to confidently share your faith in today's culture
You'll walk away feeling equipped, motivated, and with tangible steps on how to plant seeds that can grow thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times what was sown (Mark 4:20). Don’t miss out—join us and discover how you can be part of the next generation of evangelists.
Register below today!