Where I’m going

Week three

Now that we’ve looked back to see where God has been with us in our journeys and acknowledged where we are with him today, we can begin to look ahead to our tomorrow.

Looking forward is more about the “how” of our moving into the future than the “what.” Focusing too much on the “what” can make us anxious or keep us from the present. But if we can prayerfully look ahead to how we’ll be with God in the places and things we’re going into, we can get a vision for a life of communion in our tomorrow and resist anxiety.

Looking toward the future through the framework of communion, rather than achievement, may lead to some tough love with our calendars. We may see that it’s impossible to keep living at our current pace and still stay present to God. We might have to make some changes to what we’re doing in order to re-prioritize communion.

We may feel an invitation to increase focused prayer, reading, slowness, or other practices.

If we’re looking ahead prayerfully in the Spirit, God will help us to see a good future, inspiring us toward change that makes it a reality.



Be with me





Thinking about the work, relationships, and events in your near future, imagine them being filled with God’s joyful and loving presence.

How does it feel to experience the future as full of God’s presence? What does it change about how you see those activities and relationships?

Write down your thoughts or draw a picture to illustrate them.

As you look ahead in God’s presence, ask him to show you if there are things that need to go or change to make more room for communion with him. Is he inviting you into new things?

All my tomorrows, in you, are good, Father. Only let me discover and stay in your loving presence, always.


Recommended Reading

If you, like us, love a good book to see you through your break time, we’ve curated a few of our favorites for you in a recommended reading list below.

Searching for and Maintaining Peace
by Jacques Philippe

Keeping the Sabbath Wholly
by Marva J. Dawn

Given: Poems
by Wendell Berry

Abundant Simplicity
by Jan Johnson

Stolen Focus
by Johann Hari

Soul Keeping
by John Ortberg

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
by John Mark Comer


Spiritual Health Reflection

If you would like to take a deeper, more comprehensive dive into where you’re at on your spiritual journey today, Practicing the Waqy has developed a tool to help you called the Spiritual Health Reflection. Our hope is that it can help name some of the places God is working in your life — where you see fruit — as well as spaces he’s inviting you to grow in.

To learn more, visit practicingtheway.org/reflection


   Devotional created by Practicing the Way
   To learn more, visit practicingtheway.org