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If you know me, you probably know that I have some quirky habits and rules. My phone is set to black and white, I follow a strict morning routine, and chances are I haven’t seen the latest TV show everyone’s talking about.

I have chosen these rules to become more like Jesus. These are what I have chosen for myself, not necessarily what you should do. Most of these choices were hard at the moment but have brought about a deeper life and relationship with Jesus. You won’t find any of these instructions in the Bible but they are necessary for me to follow Jesus in our cultural climate. 

This is a passion of my life, and that is why I am so excited for our church this Fall. We will be doing a 6-week sermon series on what following Jesus looks like. This series is inspired by the themes of the book Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer – a book I have read twice and recommend to anyone who wants to grow spiritually.

To go along with the sermons series, we will do the Practicing the Way course in our ongoing groups and as an adult Sunday school. I ran this course with my group in the Spring and it does an excellent job of discussing and practicing the teachings of our sermon series. We don’t grow spiritually by just gaining knowledge; we grow through practicing skills in community with others. While the sermon series will be helpful, it will help you much more if you also do the course on Sunday mornings or in a group.

We pray that this fall you can intentionally model your life after Jesus and find the life that he alone offers.