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Ross Road Community Church, as a local expression of the body of Christ, relies upon its members to provide leadership and guidance to its ministries. Men and women serve as elders to provide spiritual leadership, governance, and vision for the church, and ministry teams give leadership to specific ministries within the church. The process of identifying and selecting these individuals involves everyone - including you!

The Discernment Team (the Lead Pastor, an Elder, and two members at large) is charged with ensuring our ministries are equipped with qualified leaders. They use the following procedure to do so:
· Early in each year, the DT asks the congregation for nominations for each ministry.
· The DT prayerfully considers each name, brainstorms more, and, in partnership with ministry team leaders, approaches individuals about their willingness to serve.
· Elder candidates go through an interview process, are introduced to the church, and require congregational approval of 75% at the Annual Ministry Meeting on May 25. Elders normally serve 3-year terms and can serve 2 terms consecutively.
· Ministry team members are presented to the elders in advance of the AMM and are affirmed by the elders. They normally serve 2-year terms.

What are we asking of you?

As the body of Christ, we need the contribution of each person serving according to their gifts in order to be most effective in fulfilling our mission of ‘Helping People Find and Follow Jesus.’ Please prayerfully consider how you might use your own gifts and encourage others to do the same.


We invite your nominations for the positions indicated.


In these pages you will see the different positions that need to be filled, as well as people already serving in each ministry. We invite you to do the following:
· Nominate people who you think would be a good fit in a particular ministry.
· If you have a desire to serve in a particular ministry and are gifted to do so please nominate yourself.
· People whose terms are ending may be re-nominated, unless otherwise indicated.

The nomination deadline is February 23rd.We very much appreciate you taking the time to give careful thought to how our church can best function. While these explanations and instructions are long, the Discernment Team wants to ensure clarity on what is being asked and how the process works. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Craig.

Fill out the form HERE