Looking back over our annual high school retreat, I can’t help but overflow with gratitude for the way God moved over the course of the weekend. As per usual, we had lots of fun doing something ridiculous like running around dressed as dinosaurs and tackling each other in the mud (separate occasions). However, the true highlight of the weekend was how strongly we felt the presence of God.

I should start by noting that this retreat did not come together without difficulties. This retreat was postponed a couple weeks due to many different factors that made me upset at the time. Looking back, I can say with the upmost confidence that this was for a purpose, and that God knew this was how the weekend was all supposed to come together.

The theme of the weekend was hearing from God, and that we did! Pastor Bobby was our speaker for the weekend, and on the Saturday night he shared with the group about prophecy; what it is, how we can do it and removing some of the barriers that might prevent us from practicing it. He had us split into small groups and practice this with one another – closing our eyes and listening for what God might want to share with the others in the group. This ended up being a really meaningful experience for everyone. Following this we entered a time of prayer, and this truly was one of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed with this group. Watching the students stand up and run over to go pray for each other when someone raised their hand that they needed prayer, was truly something I will never forget.

On the Sunday morning we had an opportunity for the group to split up and spend time with God through a lectio devina bible study, and then come back and share if they felt comfortable. This was a very meaningful time of sharing as well. I am so proud of the way the students were receptive to what was being shared this weekend, and I am beyond excited to see how God will continue to move with this group!